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Orchestra Hélios


Youth, ambition, eclecticism: the Helios orchestra's mission is to integrate young musicians into the world of work through orchestral practice.

As an associative orchestra, created by the will of its artistic director Paul Savalle, it allows young graduates, or those in the process of graduation, to perfect their skills with orchestra musicians and experienced conductors, under optimal working conditions.

Founded in 2014, the Hélios orchestra has gradually established itself in the French orchestral landscape. It offers a wide range of programmes, from baroque to contemporary music. Its repertoire is both symphonic and choral, thanks to the involvement of the local choirs. The orchestra attaches great importance to this network: the association of the orchestra and the departmental and regional choirs is essential in its artistic approach. The collaboration of different conductors is also an essential part of the project, which allows musicians to approach a rich and varied repertoire and broaden their range of performances.

在Orchestra Hélios发现的活动

  • 莫扎特的《安魂曲》和拉威尔的《波莱罗》在圣苏尔皮斯教堂上演


    巴黎, 圣叙尔比斯教堂

    $ 22
  • 维瓦尔第的《普瓦捷四季


    Poitiers, Cathédrale Saint‐Pierre

    $ 20
  • 克莱蒙费朗的维瓦尔第四季


    Clermont‐Ferrand, Eglise Saint‐Pierre‐des‐Minimes

    $ 20
  • 维瓦尔第的《维希四季


    Vichy, Eglise Saint‐Louis‐de‐Vichy

    $ 20
  • 里摩日的维瓦尔第四季


    利莫吉, 圣母玛利亚教堂(Eglise Notre Dame des Lions)

    $ 20
  • 维瓦尔第的四季、万福玛丽亚和圣日耳曼德佩的著名协奏曲


    巴黎, 圣日耳曼德佩教堂 (Eglise Saint‐Germain‐des‐Prés)

    $ 27
  • 巴黎玛德莱娜教堂的威尔第安魂曲


    巴黎, 玛德莲教堂 (Eglise de la Madeleine)

    $ 22
  • 维瓦尔第的《四季》和圣日耳曼德佩区的著名阿达格舞曲


    巴黎, 圣日耳曼德佩教堂 (Eglise Saint‐Germain‐des‐Prés)

    + 更多日期选择

    $ 27
  • 莫扎特的安魂曲和拉威尔的波莱罗。玛德莱娜教堂


    巴黎, 玛德莲教堂 (Eglise de la Madeleine)

    + 更多日期选择

    $ 27
  • 古诺的《加利亚》、福雷的《安魂曲》和莫扎特的《单簧管协奏曲》:圣路易岛教堂


    巴黎, Eglise Saint‐Louis‐en‐l'Île

    $ 27
  • 玛德莱娜教堂:维瓦尔第的四季、万福玛丽亚、著名的阿达吉亚舞曲


    巴黎, 玛德莲教堂 (Eglise de la Madeleine)

    $ 27
  • 玛德莱娜教堂:维瓦尔第的四季》、《圣母颂》和《圣母协奏曲


    巴黎, 玛德莲教堂 (Eglise de la Madeleine)

    $ 27
  • Vivaldi's The Four Seasons & Corelli's Christmas Concert at Église Saint Germain des Prés

    Vivaldi's The Four Seasons & Corelli's Christmas Concert at Église Saint Germain des Prés

    巴黎, 圣日耳曼德佩教堂 (Eglise Saint‐Germain‐des‐Prés)

    $ 27