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ボリス・ゴドゥノフ: パリ国立歌劇場



ロシア語による上演 英語&フランス語字幕


Conductor: Michael Schønwandt
Director: Ivo Van Hove
Set and lighting design: Jan Versweyveld
Costume design: An D’Huys
Dramaturgy: Jan Vandenhouwe
Chorus master: José Luis Basso

Boris Godounov: René Pape
Feodor: Evdokia Malevskaya
Xenia: Ruzan Mantashyan
The nanny: Elena Zaremba
Prince Chouiski: Andreas Conrad
Andrei Shchelkalov: Lauri Vasar
Pimène: Dmitry Belosselskiy
Grigory Otrepiev: Dmitry Golovnin
Varlaam: Evgeny Nikitin
Missaïl: Peter Bronder
The innkeeper: Elena Manistina
The innocent: Vasily Efimov
Mitioukha: Michal Partyka
A police officer: wojtek Smilek
A boyar, voice in the crowd: John Bernard

Orchestra and Chorus of the Paris National Opera

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