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Violinist Aleksey Semenenko: Tuesday Matinees


Ukrainian violinist Aleksey Semenenko, winner of the 2012 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, will perform some of the most virtuosic pieces written for violin, at Merkin Concert Hall.

Semenenko has been praised for his "powerful technique, rich tone and passionate approach" (The New York Times) as well as his "verve, wit, delicatesse, and beautiful phrasing" (The Boston Musical Intelligencer).


才能あふれる若手アーティスト達の演奏をお楽しみ頂けるマーキン・コンサート・ホールでの火曜日のマチネのコンサート・シリーズ "Tuesday Matinees"。国際的なコンクールで入賞したソリスト、アンサンブルなどが演奏予定です。

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