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Quatuor Tana: Palais des Beaux‐Arts


The “Crossroads” project, a full evening programme with three concerts, is thus a perfect fit for the Tana Quartet. The Tana Quartet takes a look back and a look forward at the history and the evolution of the string quartet.


Crossroads #1 — 18:00

String Quartet no. 4, Sz. 91, BB 95 Béla Bartók
String quartet no. 15, op. 132 Ludwig van Beethoven

Crossroads #2 — 20:00

String quartet no. 1, 'Métamorphoses nocturnes' György Ligeti
Quatuor à cordes n° 14, op. 142 Dmitry Shostakovich
3 Pieces for String Quartet Igor Stravinsky
String Quartet, op. 10 Claude Debussy

Crossroads #3 — 22:30

String Quartet no. 3 (World Première) Ondrej Adàmek
String Quartet no. 2, 'Summer Dreams'
String Quartet no. 4, Sz. 91, BB 95 Béla Bartók

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