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Psyché by Thomas: Théâtre des Champs‐Elysées


Immerse yourself in the stunning architecture of Paris's breathtaking Théâtre des Champs-Élysées for a concert version of Thomas' Psyché, interpreted by talentuous soloists.

Sung in French with French and English surtitles


Jodie Devos Psyché
Karine Deshayes Eros
Tassis Christoyannis Mercure
Ludivine Gombert Dafné
Marie Gautrot Bérénice
Artavazd Sargsyan Antinoüs
Jerome Boutillier Gorgias
Patrick Bolleire Le Roi
Pierre Bleuse direction
Orchestre de chambre de Paris
Choeur de la Radio flamande
Coproduction Théâtre des Champs‐Elysées / Bru Zane France

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