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Monteverdi's Orfeo by the Monteverdi Choir and the English Baroque Soloists


In celebration of the 450th anniversary of Monteverdi's birth, John Eliot Gardiner leads his Monteverdi Choir and his English Baroque Soloists in a series of concerts exploring the most beautiful operatic works by the Italian composer.

For this first concert, and following the chronology of the composer's creations, the musicians offer Monteverdi's moving Orfeo, often considered as the premiere opera of musical history.


Claudio Monteverdi
Libretto by Alessandro Striggio

Monteverdi Choir
English Baroque Soloists
Sir John Eliot Gardiner, musical direction, settings
Elsa Rooke, settings

Krystian Adam, tenor, Orfeo
Hana Blažíková, soprano, La Musica / Euridice
Lucile Richardot, mezzo‐soprano, Messaggera
Francesca Boncompagni, soprano, Proserpina
Gianluca Buratto, bass, Caronte / Plutone
Kangmin Justin Kim, countertenor, Speranza
Furio Zanasi, baritone, Apollo
Francisco Fernández‐Rueda, tenor, Pastore I
Gareth Treseder, tenor, Pastore II / Spirito I / Eco
John Taylor Ward, baritone, Pastore IV / Spirito III
Michal Czerniawski, countertenor, Pastore III
Zachary Wilder, tenor, Spirito II
Anna Dennis, soprano, Ninfa

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