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Festive Evening of Popular Concertos: Händel, Mozart, Paganini


Christmas markets, gingerbread,… and great music. Christmas in Berlin is not complete without classical music, and there is no better place for a performance than the world‐famous Philharmonie Berlin.

This varied program offers a potpourri of concertos, including works by Händel, Mozart, Beethoven, Ravel, and many more.

Thomas Koncz Conductor
Christoph Koncz Conductor & violin
Stephan Koncz Conductor & violoncello
Stefan de Leval Jezierski Horn
Jürgen Grözinger Solo drum


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注意事項: カテゴリー6(合唱用シート)はステージ上、演奏者の後ろに設置されたシートで背もたれがないお席となります。

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