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Concerts by The Florence Chamber Orchestra in Santo Stefano al Ponte

フィレンツェ, オーディトリアム・ディ・サント・ステファノ・アル・ポンテ・ヴェッキオ (Auditorium di Santo Stefano al Ponte Vecchio) — Main Hall

自由席  瞬時にeチケット 柔軟性のあるギフトとして贈る


$ 33


Hear the famous works by the greatest masters of classical music performed by talented soloists, accomplished singers and the Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina in one of the most important venues located in the magnificent city of Florence.

In the heart of Florence, near the Ponte Vecchio, stands the church of Santo Stefano al Ponte, one of the oldest churches of Florence. The lower part of the facade dates back to 1233 and retains Romanesque elements, while the upper part was rebuilt during the Gothic renewal. The interior was renovated during the Baroque period. It is full of stunning works of art and decoration, including the beautiful staircase by Buontalenti, with a marble balustrade, built in 1574. Numerous paintings also remain from the Renaissance period.


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オーケストラ: オーケストラ・ダ・カメラ・フィオレンティーナ

Orchestra da Camera Fiorentina

1981年に指揮者であり、このオーケストラの監督でもあるGiuseppe Lanzettaによって設立された室内管弦楽団。40名のメンバーは数々のコンサートで演奏をしてきた実力と経験を併せ持つ音楽家達。「ヨーロッパで最高の室内管弦楽団の一つ」と高い評価を受け、結成から数年でイタリア国内のみならず国際的にも注目される室内管弦楽団へ。ヨーロッパではスペイン、マルタ、ポルトガル、ポーランドやドイツ、アメリカやブラジル、メキシコなどでもツアーを行っています。

指揮者: Nicolo’ Jacopo Suppa
ピアニスト: Antonio Di Cristofaro


5.0 の 5

  • Alissa B, Israel

    09月 2019年

    I thoroughly enjoyed this concert while vacationing in Florence. Although the hall was very hot (I felt bad for the musicians in long sleeves!), the music was uplifting and the entire experience was positive and fun. The pianist was incredible and conductor, excellent. Very glad I booked the tickets and dragged my husband, who is not a classical music follower like I am. But even he enjoyed, a lot!

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オーディトリアム・ディ・サント・ステファノ・アル・ポンテ・ヴェッキオ (Auditorium di Santo Stefano al Ponte Vecchio), Piazza S. Stefano 1, フィレンツェ, イタリア — Googleマップ

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