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ドナート・レンツェッティ の指揮、トスカーナ管弦楽団の演奏でバッハ、ドヴォルザーク、ピーター・マクスウェル=デイヴィスの作品をクリスマス・コンサートでお楽しみください。



5.0 の 5

  • evelyne v, Israel

    12月 2018年

    Wonderful evening .beautiful and original programm .first time i hear the 2d symphony of Rachmaninof fabulous orchestra .thank you so much .theater Verdi is a gorgeous place to have christmas concert

  • Robert B, USA

    12月 2015年

    Spirited performance, wonderful venue. Despite not being traditional Christmas music, all three pieces seemed a perfect fit with season. Women musicians all wore red, and those wild and crazy bassists all had on antlers. Minor complaints — no ushers, had a hard time finding the right seats, as the same seat numbers were used more than once in our section and row. The performance opened with a 15 minute monologue in Italian from one of the violinists.

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