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Andrea Chénier: Opera in Bilbao


American tenor Gregory Kunde sings the title role in Umberto Giordano's 'Andrea Chénier' at the Palacio Euskalduna in Bilbao, with Italian soprano Anna Pirozzi as Maddalena de Coigny.


Conductor: Stefano Ranzani
Stage director: Alfonso Romero
Choir Master: Boris Dujin
Production: ABAO‐OLBE — Festival de Peralada

Andrea Chénier: Gregory Kunde
Maddalena de Coigny: Anna Pirozzi
Carlo Gérard: Ambrogio Maestri
La comtesse di Coigny: Elena Zilio
Roucher: Manel Esteve
The Abbé/The Incredible: Francisco Vas
Bersi: Mireia Pintó
Mathieu: Fernando Latorre
P. Fleville / F. Tinville: Jose Manuel Díaz
Schmidt / Dumas: Gexan Etxabe

Bilbao Symphony Orchestra
Choir Ópera de Bilbao

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