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New Year's Eve with the Konzerthausorchester Berlin & Cameron Carpenter

Lo spettacolo

Say farewell to the old year and welcome the new with the Konzerthaus Orchestra, lead by Alexander Shelley. Artist in Residence, Cameron Carpenter, shows the Konzerthaus organ in its full glory as the year turns.

A mixed program of music written by primarily German composers, but inspired by Shelley's homeland, offers an intriguing and stirring concert. From the great ceremony of Handel's 'Music for the Royal Fireworks' or Elgar's 'Pomp & Circumstance' to the Shakespearean works of Mendelssohn and Otto Nicolai, passing by the simpler life of Ralph Vaughan Williams' 'Greensleeves' or Korngold's score for 'Robin Hood' this concert draws a picture of the England of imagination.

Informazioni pratiche

La Konzerthaus Berlin offre un programma vario che spazia dai concerti sinfonici alla musica da camera, dai musical a concerti speciali per bambini, dalla musica antica alla contemporanea. Il programma stagionale include molti rinomati solisti ed ensemble internazionali e la Konzerthausorchester, che ha entusiasmato il pubblico per oltre 60 anni con più di 100 concerti per stagione nella sua sede a Gendarmenmarkt!

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