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  • © Michiel Hendrickx
    © Michiel Hendrickx

Hohe Messe di Herreweghe & Collegium Vocale Gent

Amsterdam, Concertgebouw — Main Hall

I posti migliori  2 h Dona un Buono Regalo

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$ 103

Lo spettacolo

Provate l'impareggiabile brillantezza dell'iconica Messa in si minore di Bach, portata in vita dagli straordinari talenti del Collegium Vocale Gent, sotto l'esperta direzione di Philippe Herreweghe. Questa performance ipnotica mette in mostra l'impeccabile abilità di solisti come Alex Potter e Guy Cutting, esaltando ulteriormente la profonda bellezza di questo capolavoro. Immergetevi nel puro genio di Bach e lasciatevi affascinare dalle squisite armonie e dalle divine melodie che definiscono la Messa in si minore. Non perdete questa indimenticabile opportunità di assistere a un evento musicale davvero straordinario.


  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Mass in B minor, BWV 232 'Hohe Messe'
Il programma può essere soggetto a variazioni


Direttore: Philippe Herreweghe

Philippe Herreweghe is a Belgian conductor. He is principally known as a conductor of Johann Sebastian Bach, the German composer who wrote over one thousand works. He is regarded by leading Bach scholars today as a founding father of the baroque authentic practice, original instrument movement and one of record label Harmonia Mundi's most prolific recording artists, with over sixty albums to his name. His early training as a chorister and assistant choirmaster in a Jesuit school was complemented by piano studies at the Ghent Conservatory. At university Herreweghe studied psychiatry and formed a 12‐person choir devoted to the revolutionary performing practices of Gustav Leonhardt, Ton Koopman and the Kuijken brothers.

Tenore: Guy Cutting
Soprano: Hana Blažíková
Orchestra & Choir: Collegium Vocale Gent
Soprano: Dorothee Mields
Controtenore: Alex Potter
Basso: Johannes Kammler


Concertgebouw, Concertgebouwplein, 10, Amsterdam, Olanda — Google Maps

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