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    © Todd Rosenberg

Festival di Grafenegg: Orchestra Sinfonica di Pittsburgh, Manfred Honeck

Grafenegg, Transfer to Grafenegg from Vienna Musikverein, Ecke Bösendorferstraße/Canovagasse

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I suoni maestosi della Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, diretta da Manfred Honeck, danno vita alle incantevoli fiabe della Russia e della Cina in un'esecuzione orchestrale davvero splendida. Attraverso le suite de "L'uccello di fuoco" di Igor Stravinskij e "Turandot" di Giacomo Puccini, l'orchestra cattura magistralmente le emozioni crude e la vibrante energia del balletto e dell'opera.

Il primo concerto per violino di Max Bruch, noto per le sue melodie splendidamente espressive, mette in mostra il talento della giovane e celebre violinista María Dueñas. In particolare, il finale del concerto, dalle influenze ungheresi, è così accattivante che da solo basterebbe a giustificare la dedizione della Dueñas a questo pezzo.

Tuttavia, il concerto inizia in modo del tutto diverso, quando John Adams pone la domanda: "Avete presente la sensazione che si prova quando qualcuno vi offre un giro di prova su una splendida auto sportiva e voi vorreste non aver accettato?". Questo momento di quasi perdita di controllo viene trasformato in musica, con l'orchestra che agisce come il potente motore di questa corsa ad alte prestazioni.

Informazioni pratiche

Per i clienti che hanno prenotato il trasferimento in autobus incluso:

Partenza dal Musikverein di Vienna, angolo Bösendorferstraße/Canovagasse: 210 minuti prima dell'inizio del concerto

Ritorno da Grafenegg: circa 15 minuti dopo la fine del concerto

Durata del viaggio circa 55 min.


  • John Adams – Short Ride in a Fast Machine (Fanfare for Orchestra)
  • Max Bruch – Konzert für Violine und Orchester Nr. 1 g‐Moll op. 26
  • Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky – 'Der Feuervogel' — Suite aus der Ballettmusik (Fassung von 1919)
  • Giacomo Puccini – «Turandot‐Suite» (arrangiert von Manfred Honeck, orchestriert von Tomás Ille)
Il programma può essere soggetto a variazioni


Direttore: Manfred Honeck

Austrian conductor Manfred Honeck was violinist with the Vienna Philharmonic for 10 years, and embarked on his conducting career as assistant to Claudio Abbado at the Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra. Subsequently, he was engaged by the Zurich Opera House, served as Music Director at the Norwegian National Opera in Oslo, was Music Director of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, and has since 2008 been Principal Guest Conductor of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra. A highly sought‐after conductor, other engagements have led Honeck to guest conduct numerous preeminent orchestras as well as opera houses.

Orchestra: Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Established in 1896, the brilliant American orchestra prides itself on a rich history of the world’s finest conductors and musicians: PSO has been led by internationally recognized conductors such as Lorin Maazel, André Previn, and Mariss Jansons, who have been maintaining and enhancing PSO’s high standard of excellence. Since autumn 2008, the Orchestra’s Music Director and Principal Conductor has been Manfred Honeck, with Leonard Slatkin as its Principal Guest Conductor. For over a hundred years, PSO has been an essential part of Pittsburgh’s cultural landscape and one of the finest representatives of American orchestral excellence. With a long and distinguished history of touring, both domestically and overseas, the PSO has earned critical acclaim for each tour. The orchestra has also achieved an illustrious reputation for its myriad recordings. Its disc featuring works by Prokofiev and Tchaikovsky, with soloist Yo‐Yo Ma and under the baton of Lorin Maazel, won a Grammy Award.

Violino: María Dueñas


Transfer to Grafenegg from Vienna Musikverein, Ecke Bösendorferstraße/Canovagasse, Ecke Bösendorferstraße/Canovagasse, Grafenegg, Austria — Google Maps

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