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  • Concerts in Köpenick Palace Berlin
    Concerts in Köpenick Palace Berlin
  • (c) Benjamin Jehne
    © Benjamin Jehne

Concerti nel Palazzo di Köpenick a Berlino

Berlino, Castello di Köpenick — Aurorasaal

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$ 47

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Uscite dalle zone più note di Berlino e godetevi un interludio musicale al Palazzo di Köpenick.

Giovani talenti e musicisti affermati si esibiscono nell'adorabile Sala Aurora del palazzo barocco.


  • Ludwig van Beethoven – Streichtrio op. 9
Il programma può essere soggetto a variazioni


Quartetto d'Archi: Haydnquartett Berlin

Four musicians joined forces in 2008 to form a new string quartet, the 'Haydn Quartet Berlin'. The quartet is supported by the association 'Musik in Brandenburgischen Schlössern'. The association had very successfully carried out a similar project and began supporting the Mozart Quartet Berlin in 2004. The Haydn Quartet has also undergone a similar development and has meanwhile become a permanent guest in the concert halls of Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Salzburg. It has developed into one of the most outstanding German string quartets with exciting interpretations of the classical‐romantic quartet literature. The quartet had its successful premiere on 12 October 2008 at Köpenick Castle. In February 2011 the ensemble made its successful debut at the Palais Liechtenstein in Vienna.


Castello di Köpenick, Schlossinsel Köpenick, Berlino, Germania — Google Maps

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