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Chamber Music Concert: Vogler Quartet & Friends

Lo spettacolo

Journey with the celebrated and long‐established Vogler Quartet through three centuries of chamber music for strings, with each century, and its dominant artistic ethos, represented by an iconic work.

Where else to begin but with Haydn, the 'father of the quartet', in the first of his London quartets. Jump forward two hundred‐odd years, and one encounters another musical catalyst — Debussy's only String Quartet, the model for the quartets of the 20th Century. Finally, the Voglers are joined by Annemarie Moorcroft and Mischa Meyer for the arch‐Romantic Brahms' String Sextet No. 1 — his first published work solely for strings.

Informazioni pratiche

La Konzerthaus Berlin offre un programma vario che spazia dai concerti sinfonici alla musica da camera, dai musical a concerti speciali per bambini, dalla musica antica alla contemporanea. Il programma stagionale include molti rinomati solisti ed ensemble internazionali e la Konzerthausorchester, che ha entusiasmato il pubblico per oltre 60 anni con più di 100 concerti per stagione nella sua sede a Gendarmenmarkt!

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