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Chamber Music Concert: Mozart, Haydn & the Bachs

Lo spettacolo

Indulge in a feast of late‐Baroque and early‐Classical works by the great masters of the period. Sayako Kusaka conducts the Konzerthaus Chamber Orchestra, with celebrated German pianist Sebastian Knauer as guest soloist.

Several of J.S. Bach's sons followed him into the 'family business', but perhaps none so successfully as Carl Phillip Emmanuel. Bridging the Baroque and the Classical periods, C.P.E. Bach's original voice and musical inventiveness might well have made him a major musical celebrity in his own right, if not for the gargantuan shadow of his father's reputation.

Informazioni pratiche

La Konzerthaus Berlin offre un programma vario che spazia dai concerti sinfonici alla musica da camera, dai musical a concerti speciali per bambini, dalla musica antica alla contemporanea. Il programma stagionale include molti rinomati solisti ed ensemble internazionali e la Konzerthausorchester, che ha entusiasmato il pubblico per oltre 60 anni con più di 100 concerti per stagione nella sua sede a Gendarmenmarkt!

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