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  • © Simon van Boxtel
    © Simon van Boxtel

Shéhérazade de Rimski‐Korsakov et Noa Wildschut joue Tchaïkovski.

Amsterdam, Concertgebouw — Main Hall

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$ 44

A propos du spectacle

Sheherazade crée une ambiance orientale séduisante qui rappelle les contes enchanteurs des Mille et une nuits. Noa Wildschut, une jeune artiste talentueuse, présentera les souvenirs nostalgiques des vacances ukrainiennes de Tchaïkovski en interprétant le concerto pour violon arrangé par Glazounov.


  • Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski – Souvenir d'un lieu cher, op. 42 (arr. A. Glazoenov)
  • Nikolaï Andreïevitch Rimski‐Korsakov – Sheherazade, op. 35 'Symphonic Suite after 1001 Nights'
Programme sous réserve de modifications


Chef d'orchestre: Vasily Petrenko

Born in St Petersburg in 1976, he is recognised as one of the exceptional musicians of his generation. Petrenko was still in his teens when he became resident conductor at St Petersburg Opera and Ballet Theatre, and has gone on to work with some of the world’s finest orchestras, earning international acclaim – and top prizes – for his inspirational performances.

His Liverpool debut with the Phil in November 2004, and subsequent appearances in October and December 2005, created huge excitement: “…memorable for the sheer electricity emanating from the podium. Instantly there was a sense of dialogue between conductor and musicians, between one orchestral family and another, between one phrase and the next, to release natural‐seeming eloquence from his players.”  The Daily Telegraph

Violon: Noa Wildschut

Noa Wildschut is a 'musical miracle', according to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. The young violinist from Hilversum made her debut when she was seven at Concertgebouw. A decade later she plays all over the world.


Concertgebouw, Concertgebouwplein, 10, Amsterdam, Pays‐Bas — Google Maps

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