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Salieri's Les Horaces: Les Talens Lyriques at Versailles

О событии

Discover the music of the man best remembered by history as Mozart's bitterest rival. Christophe Rousset conducts Les Talens Lyriques in a concert performance of Les Horaces — a work that underscores Salieri's undoubted gifts, and signals the advent of the Romantic era — amid the magnificence of Versailles' Royal Opera.

Drawing on Roman history for its plot, audiences of the day disliked its political content and unhappy ending, but even they were won over by the manifold beauties of the score. This joint production by Les Talens Lyriques and Versailles' Center for Baroque Music reinstates a work that deserves a place of honor in the operatic canon.


Judith van Wanroij Camille

Cyrille Dubois Curiace

Julien Dran Young Horace

Jean‐Sébastien Bou Old Horace

Andrew Foster‐Williams Grand‐Priest, Grand Sacrificer, A Roman man

Philippe‐Nicolas Martin Oracle, An Albin, Valère

Eugénie Lefebvre Camille’s servant

Les Chantres du Centre de musique baroque de Versailles (Artistic director Olivier Schneebeli)

Les Talens Lyriques

Christophe Rousset

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