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Piano concert: Debussy, Ravel, Scrjabin, Rachmaninov

О событии

Enjoy two great pianists in key works of the piano repertoire in the beautiful Salle Gaveau in Paris.

The piano duo does not enjoy the favour it deserves: and yet, what a fascinating world of sound, what overwhelming emotions two keyboards can create when entrusted to musicians as virtuoso and as complicit as Ludmila Berlinskaïa and Arthur Ancelle. From Debussy or Ravel's shimmering textures to Scriabin and Rachmaninov's fiery élan, the Berlinskaïa Ancelle Duo will put the Salle Gaveau at its feet!


Piano Duo Berlinskaïa Ancelle
Ludmilla Berlinskaïa, piano
Arthur Ancelle, piano

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