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Chopin Pur by Kenji Miura at the French Cathedral & Dinner in Gendarmerie

О событии

Start the evening with a culinary delight and allow yourself to be spoiled with a delicious dinner before the concert. The Restaurant Gendarmerie is only a few minutes away from the Komische Oper and offers modern Berlin brasserie cuisine in a stylish ambience.

Frédéric Chopin has been celebrated as a master of Romanticism for 200 years. The composer himself loved sitting at the piano for hours and playing in front of it. A pianist with brilliant technique, who not only operated the 88 keys, but 'touched' them. We present this beautiful simplicity of his music with outstanding young pianists in the series 'Chopin pur' at the French Cathedral.
The popular piano series 'Chopin pur' will be kicked off again this year by the Japanese Kenji Miura, who has declared Berlin his new artistic home for the past five years. Born in Japan in 1993, he received his first piano lessons at the age of three, later studied in London, Berlin and Philadelphia and already played in the largest halls from Paris to Tokyo as a soloist and chamber musician. His many competition successes speak for his talent. In February 2013 he left the European music scene and spent a year in Japan volunteering for children in need. In 2014 he returned to the Hanns Eisler Academy of Music. As a scholarship holder of the Yehudi Menuhin Live Music Now Organisation, he regularly performs in duo with the violist Luke Turrell of the Berliner Philharmoniker. In 2017 he won the Steinway Förderpreis and 1st place at the International Shigeru Kawai Piano Competition. Look forward to a first concert evening with the most beautiful compositions of Chopin, played by pianist Kenji Miura.

Подробная информация

Ценовые категории включают в себя стоимость концерта и ужина.

Дополните ваш вечер первоклассным ужином и распробуйте разнообразие вкусов популярных европейских блюд. Ресторан Gendarmerie (адрес: Behrenstraße 42, 10117 Berlin), находящийся в шаговой доступности от места проведения концерта, побалует вас немецкой и французской кухней.


Закуски (на выбор):

*Жареные креветки (150гр) с чесноком, оливковым маслом, петрушкой, майонезом и хариссой
*Стейк тартар (90 гр) из говядины сухой выдержки с картофелем фри
*Романский салат с соусом айоли, пармезаном, авокадо и креветками

Главное блюдо (на выбор):

*Жареный эскалоп (шницель) с картофельным салатом и клюквой
*Печень теленка с подливой из кальвадоса, яблок, лука и бекона, с картофельным пюре
*Тефтели со сливочным соусом, молодой свеклой, картофельным пюре и хрустящими каперсами

Домашние десерты (на выбор):

*Крем-брюле с бурбонской ванилью
*Шоколадный торт с ягодами
*Французская сырная нарезка

напитки не включены в стоимость

18:00 ужин в ресторане Gendarmerie(по адресу Behrenstraße 42, 10117 Берлин)
20:00 концерт во Французском соборе (по адресу Gendarmenmarkt 5, 10117 Берлин)

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