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Ten Holt's Canto ostinato at Concertgebouw + Drinks & Bites

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Simeon Ten Holt's Canto ostinato is a living, constantly changing masterpiece. This time, you can hear this minimal piece of music on four pianos and organ by Jeroen van Veen & Friends.

Canto ostinato

Simeon ten Holts Canto ostinato is a musical perpetuum mobile. Motifs are repeated and varied, in an ever‐changing way and in an ever‐expanding number of forms. The Canto is played solo in station halls and with whole groups of wings in large halls. There is a Canto for orchestra, one for eight violoncellos and one for percussion. Today you can hear Ten Holt's most beloved work for four pianos and organ.

Van Veen

Pianist Jeroen van Veen regularly sought him out at home until Simeon ten Holt died in 2012. Like no other he can empathize with Ten Holt's music. Today he takes wife Sandra and three of their musical friends with him to perform Canto ostinato. On the piano you can hear the Van Veens, Alexei Lubimov and Slava Poprugin while Aart Bergwerff plays the organ. A minimal masterpiece with maximum effect.

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