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Praha Mozart Concerts: The best of Mozart

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The PRAHA MOZART CONCERTS in original costumes of the eighteenth century, represents today in the Czech Republic and in the world, the baroque tradition of Mozart´s glamorous time. We will lead you through a journey of the eighteenth century where you will be surrounded by the magic atmosphere that W.A. Mozart once created to entertain the audience of one of the most beautiful European capital during his long sojourn in Prague.

Praha Mozart Orchestra is an association of artists that has been active in Prague since 1997. The foundation of our agency signified the biginning of modern professional interpretation of W.A. Mozart´s works in Prague and the Czech Republic.
The first concert took place in the House of the Artist (Rudolfinum) concert hall on 3rd of May 1997 and it was a great success.
The huge number of works of the Salzburg composer reveals his artistic identity that reflects manners and characteristics of 18th century Prague. The city, with its arts and customs was bound to the aristocratic of 18th mother town of singers and soloists of high calibre who with artistic spirit and elegance achieved the first successes of that epoch.

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