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Pelléas et Mélisande: Festival d'Aix‐en‐Provence

Sobre o Evento

The Festival d'Aix‐en‐Provence presents Katie Mitchell's anxiously awaited staging of Claude Debussy's "Pelléas et Mélisande", with Stéphane Degout and Barbara Hannigan in the title roles. Esa‐Pekka Salonen leads the Philharmonia Orchestra in this new production, which highlights the opera's dreamlike realism.

Debussy based his opera on the play by Maurice Maeterlinck. Steeped in mystery, it is a tragic story of love and jealousy between Mélissande, Golaud, and Golaud's half‐brother Pelléas.

Sung in French with French and English surtitles.

Informações Práticas

Premium offer

Not available on premiere evenings: July 1st and 2nd

-Enjoy a seat in the best category or category 1
-Enjoy a champagne aperitif at the bar
-Programme included
-For your comfort: plaid and seat cushion at the Théâtre de l’Archevêché

Security measures have been heightened, including metal detectors and bag checks at the entrance.
- Please arrive no later than 30 minutes before the event begins.
- There is no admission after the event begins.

Elenco / Produção

Conductor: Esa‐Pekka Salonen
Director: Katie Mitchell
Dramaturge: Martin Crimp
Stage designer: Lizzie Clachan
Costume designer: Chloé Lamford
Lighting designer: James Farncombe
Choreographer: Joseph W. Alford

Pelléas: Stéphane Degout
Mélisande: Barbara Hannigan
Golaud: Laurent Naouri
Arkel: Franz Josef Selig
Geneviève: Sylvie Brunet‐Grupposo
Yniold: Chloé Briot
Le Médecin: Thomas Dear

Cape Town Opera Chorus
Philharmonia Orchestra

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