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L'Orfeo de Monteverdi: Ópera Real de Versalhes

Versalhes, Palácio de Versalhes — Opéra Royal

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$ 169

Sobre o Evento

L'Orfeo é frequentemente celebrado como o nascimento da ópera como forma de arte. Aqui representada na prestigiada Ópera Real de Versalhes.

Elenco / Produção

Favola in musica em cinco actos com um prólogo para um libreto de Alessandro Striggio, estreado em Mantova em 1607.

Marc Mauillon Orfeo
Marie Theoleyre Euridice, Musica
Floriane Hasler Messaggiera
Marianne Beate Kielland Speranza, Proserpina
Salvo Vitale Plutone, Caronte
Victor Sicard Apollo
NN Pastore I, Spirito II
Arnaud Gluck Pastore II, Spirito IV
NN Pastore III, Spirito I, Eco
Nicolas Certenais Pastore IV, Spirito III
Isaure Brunner Ninfa

Yannick Bosc, Loïc Faquet et Xavier Perez Bailarinos

Royal Opera Chorus
The Concert of Nations
Jordi Savall Maestro
Pauline Bayle Directora
Emmanuel Clolus Cenários
Bernadette Villard Figurinos
Pascal Noël Luzes

Espetáculo em italiano com legendas em francês e inglês.

Versailles Palace

Marvel at the lavish grandeur of the Palace of Versailles, a huge Baroque complex comprising a former royal residence, incredible gardens, spectacular fountains, and the Museum of the History of France. The complex stretches over 787 hectares and is a major UNESCO World Heritage Site. Restoration began in 1892, and although interrupted by both World Wars, among other cataclysmic events, continues today. Visitors should devote a whole day to Versailles, with its abundance of attractions. Deservedly, the most famous room is the Hall of Mirrors - a 70 metre gallery decorated with 17 huge mirrors that reflect the opposite windows and their garden views. However, the Royal Opera of Versailles is another of the Palace's gems. Its' wooden interior (painted to look like marble) means that the opera house boasts superb acoustics, as well as the finest décor. Treat yourself to the best of classical music amidst the opulence of this world-famous palace!


Palácio de Versalhes, Place d’Armes, Versalhes, France — Veja no Google Maps

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