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Lina Tur & Kenneth Weiss at Capella de Santa Àgata

Sobre o Evento

Lina Tur is one of the most exciting violinists of her generation. Her versatility allows her to ‎perform a repertoire that embraces genres ranging from Baroque to contemporary music. ‎Harpsichordist Kenneth Weiss, meanwhile, specialises in performing Baroque music and has ‎been invited on multiple occasions to conduct Les Arts Florissants. Under the title La ‎petite merveille e il Arcangelo, the two musicians offer us a journey through the music ‎of Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre and Arcangelo Corelli. Élisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, born ‎in 1665, was a child prodigy of the keyboard, which brought her to the court of King Louis XIV ‎and led to her enjoying the King’s patronage until his death. Her works include numerous ‎compositions, highlights of which are the six Sonatas for Violin and Basso ‎Continuo, published in 1707, and early examples of the new genre of accompanied ‎harpsichord works. The Sonatas Op. 5 by Corelli, one of the most important Baroque ‎composers, had a major influence on musicians of the time. Written for his own personal use, ‎the Sonatas are a clear demonstration of the style and extraordinary technical skills of Corelli ‎as a violinist.‎

Informações Práticas

E. J. DE LA GUERRE: Sonata No. 1 in D minor (1707) Sonata No. 2 in D major (1707) Sonata No. ‎‎5 in A minor (1707) ‎
A. CORELLI: Sonata No. 6 in A major, Op. 5 (1700) Sonata No. 12 ‘La Folia’, Op. (1700)‎

Elenco / Produção

Lina Tur, violin
Kenneth Weiss, harpsichord

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