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Dido and Æneas, Purcell: Palau de la Música Catalana

Sobre o Evento

Enjoy Dido and Æneas, the well‐loved Baroque opera in three acts by Henry Purcell, at the Palau de la Música Catalana, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Barcelona.

Elisenda Arquimbau, Dido
Esteve Gascon, Æneas
Jordi Domènech, Sorceress

Ars Musicae
Cor Jove de l'Orfeó Català, solists
Aleix Viadé, video
Sylvia Kuchinow, lights
Esteve Nabona, musical direction
Marc Rosich, stage direction

A co‐production with Òpera de Butxaca and Nova Creació

Informações Práticas

Orfeó Català Concert Series
Choral singing is the focus of this concert series. Honoring the words of Catalan poet Joan Maragall, who once described the Palau as the "House of Singing", this series presents the Choral School and Palau ensembles as well as prestigious national and international guest choirs.

Please note: In some areas of the Palau de la Música Catalana, some seats have a partially obstructed view of the stage. Palau de la Música Catalana recommends Category A for the finest and completely unobstructed view of the performance.

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