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Dido & Aeneas: Teatro dell'Opera

Sobre o Evento

Follow in the steps of Aeneas as he journeys from the ruins of Troy to Carthage, before continuing on to become the first hero of Rome.

Legendary tales require equally legendary artists — in this case Sasha Waltz and the early opera specialist Christopher Moulds, who combine forces to create a multi‐disciplinary interpretation of Purcell's enduring opera. Berlin's renowned Akademie für Alte Musik and Vocalconsort, and Waltz' own dance company provide musicians and cast for this epic tale of love in the face of destiny.

Sung in English, with English and Italian surtitles.

Informações Práticas

As categorias de preços correspondem às seguintes áreas do plano de lugares:

1: Caixas centrais — & Orquestra.
2: Caixas laterais e varanda
3: Galeria

Elenco / Produção

Conductor: Christopher Moulds
Choreographer and director: Sasha Waltz
Stage design: Thomas Schenk, Sasha Waltz
Costumes: Christine Birkle
Lighting: Thilo Reuter

Akademie für AlteMusik Berlin
Vocalconsort Berlin
Tanzcompagnie SashaWaltz & Guests

Produced by SashaWaltz & Guests and the Akademie für AlteMusik Berlin in coproduction with Staatsoper Unter den Linden Berlin, Grand Théâtre de la Ville de Luxembourg and Opéra National de Montpellier

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