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Day Package 6: Concert in the Mountain with Isabel Karajan & Swiss Alps Chamber Ensemble

Sobre o Evento

Do not miss this unique concert experience as the Swiss Alps Chamber Ensemble and Isabel Karajan perform in the crystal hall of the Museum Sasso San Gottardo.

Take in the beautiful atmosphere of this wonderful hall while listening to favorite works of the classical repertoire.
Before the concert, you have the opportunity to listen to a lecture on Mozart's illnesses held by Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz.Dr. med. Manfred Hecking at the Chedi Andermatt hotel.

Informações Práticas

The price includes:
- Lecture on Mozart's illnesses
- Concert in the mountain
- Tour of the museum Sasso San Gottardo
- Meet & Greet with the artists
- Return Shuttle Andermatt‐Airolo

3 pm: Lecture on Mozart's illnesses with Assoc.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Manfred Hecking at the Chedi Andermatt
6 pm: Concert in the mountain with Isabel Karajan & Swiss Alps Chamber Ensemble at Sasso San Gottardo (Via della Stazione 48, Airolo)
7 pm: Tour of the Museum Sasso San Gottardo
8:30 pm: Meet & Greet with the artists, incl. return Shuttle Andermatt‐Airolo

Please Note:
- Dress code for the lecture: smart casual
- For the concert there are standing places only. Warm clothing and comfortable shoes are highly recommended.

Gift card