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Concertos by J.S. Bach and his sons: Jean Rondeau, clavecin

Sobre o Evento

Jean Rondeau possesses instrumental mastery and an ideal architectural sense for Bach's unparalleled counterpoint. Above all, he manages to infuse a quivering life and unquestionable freedom into pages that are less abstract than we think. At the head of a group of virtuoso friends, the French harpsichordist tackled the Bach's concertos with a formidable part and passed the innovations from Italy to his genius' prism.

Informações Práticas


Johann Sebastian Bach: Concertos for Harpsichord No. 1 and No. 7

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach: Sinfonia in D minor

Johann Christoph Bach: Wer Gott vertraut, hat wohl gebaut

Johann Christian Bach: Concerto for Harpsichord in F minor

Elenco / Produção

Jean Rondeau, harpsichord

Louis Creac'h and Théotime Langlois de Swarte, violins

Fanny Paccoud, viola

Cyril Chicken, cello

Evolène Kiener, bassoon

Ludovic Coutineau, double bass

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