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Saint Thomas Church: In Praise of Mary

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John Scott directs the The Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys with organists Frederick Teardo and Kevin Kwan in a highly varied programme in New York City.

Devotion to Mary, Queen of Heaven, became woven into the rich tapestry of the Church’s liturgy from medieval times to today’s choral services at Saint Thomas. This programme provides a sample of some of the riches of this tradition. It features the substantial Magnificat in B flat major for double choir, composed in 1918 by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford. Considered a high point of British sacred choral music of the Romantic era, Stanford’s setting of the Virgin Mary’s prayer of praise after the Annunciation is notable for its quick alternation of moods. In contrast, Poulenc’s Litanies à la Vierge Noire is a setting of deeply personal and humble adoration to the Virgin Mary.

These and many other vocal compositions will make this a fascinating evening of beautiful music in New York's Saint Thomas Church.

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