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Masquerade: Venetian Seduction: Dinner & Concert

Over het evenement

Experience the colorful magic of the Venetian Carneval tradition in this emotional concert by the Berliner Residenzorchester and soloists at Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin.

Before the concert you have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious dinner in the palace's west wing.

Praktische informatie

Beef carpaccio with Parmesan cheese, salad, and olive oil
Beetroot carpaccio with Parmesan cheese, salad, and olive oil
Chicken rolls with Gorgonzola cheese, spinach and rosemary gnocchi
Fresh cheese ravioli with Gorgonzola cheese, spinach and rosemary gnocchi

18.00 uur: Diner in de Westvleugel van de Orangerie
19.30 uur: Toegang tot het concert
20.00 uur: Concert begint
21.45 uur: Einde van het concert

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