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Ibermúsica Presents: Philharmonique du Luxembourg

Over het evenement

The worlds of song and symphony are intertwined and confused in Gustav Mahler's work. A good example of this is Das Lied von der Erde, where song and symphony mix, expressing what would not have been possible without this union of orchestral words and colours. In the 4th Symphony, a song that seems simple and simple in appearance, Das Himmlische Leben (The Celestial Life) serves to inspire, influence and develop a whole world through the four movements that make up the work.

Béla Bartók composed two concerts for violin and orchestra, but while the second one quickly became popular, the one we will be hearing on this evening is not frequent. And the reason for this is not that it has less value than the first one, but that the composer's relationship with his dedication, the violinist Stefi Geyer, his frustrated love, deteriorated, affecting the premiere and publication of the work, which would not see the light of day until 50 years after its composition. However, Bartók himself referred to this work as 'one of my best works to which I have devoted myself with devotion and love'.


Mahler/Matthews Nicht zu schnell

Bartók Violin Concerto No. 1

Mahler Symphony No. 4

Giet / Productie


Philharmonic of Luxembourg

Conductor: Gustavo Gimeno

Soloists: Vilde Frang & Miah Persson

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