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Don Giovanni

Over het evenement

'Don Giovanni' was premiered on October 29th, 1787 at the Prague Italian Opera at the Teatro di Praga.

Da Ponte's libretto was billed like many of its time as dramma giocoso, a term that denotes a mixing of serious and comic action. Mozart entered the work into his catalogue as an 'opera buffa'. Although sometimes classified as comic, it blends comedy, melodrama and supernatural elements.

Don Giovanni — Alvaro Lozano
Leporello — Giancarlo Tosi
Donna Anna — Chiara Panacci
Don Ottavio — Maurizio Marchini
Donna Elvira — Alessandra Meozzi
Zerlina — Elise Efremov
Masetto — Franco Rossi
Commendatore — Cesare Lana
Piano — Cristiano Manzoni

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