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Don Giovanni: Gran Teatre del Liceu

Over het evenement

Seize this opportunity at the beautiful Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona to experience the breathtaking opear performance of Mozart's Don Giovanni.

Don Giovanni

Don Jiovanni is a two‐act opera the music for which was written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in 1787, who was commissioned to compose a new musical score after the sweeping success of his Marriage of Figaro. The captivating opera definitely stands out from other works of the same genre as it represents a mixture of drama, comedy, tragedy and the supernatural. The story about the notorious seducer premiered at the Estates Theatre in Prague and was a big triumph.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Perhaps the most important composer of all time, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer of the late 18th century. Born in 1756 in Salzburg, he showed prodigious musical talent from childhood. Beginning at five years of age, he composed more than 600 works, including concertos, symphonies, religious works and operas before his premature death at the age of 35. Hi influence over successive generations cannot be overestated — Ludwig van Beethoven wrote of Mozart 'posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years”. Despite the immense success of his compositions, and the acclaim he received across Europe, Mozart achieved little financial security and rwas buried in an unmarked grave in Vienna's St Marx Cemetery.

Praktische informatie

Let op: In sommige delen van het Gran Teatre del Liceu is het mogelijk om te zitten met een gedeeltelijk belemmerd zicht op het podium. Het Gran Teatre del Liceu beveelt categorie 2 aan voor het beste en volledig vrije zicht op de voorstelling. Het podium is niet zichtbaar vanaf zitplaatsen vanaf rij 2 van categorie 8. In deze afdeling is een monitor aanwezig om de voorstelling te volgen. Alleen beschikbaar voor opera's.

Giet / Productie

Don Giovanni — Christopher Maltman
Il Commendatore — Adam Palka
Donna Anna — Miah Persson
Don Ottavio — Ben Bliss
Donna Elvira — Véronique Gens
Leporello — Luca Pisaroni
Masetto — Josep‐Ramon Olivé
Zerlina — Leonor Bonilla

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