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Charles Gounod, Faust (Margarethe): Oper Leipzig

Over het evenement

Enjoy a production of Charles Gounod's opera Faust at the Oper Leipzig, where artistic director and stage designer, Michiel Dijkema, surprises audiences with imagery that opens fascinating new perspectives.

For the opera adaptation, Gounod reduced the plot of Goethe's original to the part of the story that is known as 'Gretchen's tragedy' while focusing in particular on the glamorous character of Mephisto, a trickster and seducer of the masses whose smartness and witty remarks easily make him one of the most‐liked characters.

Giet / Productie

Conductor: Anthony Bramall
Director & Stage Design: Michiel Dijkema
Costume design: Claudia Damm
Choir: Alessandro Zuppardo
Dramaturgy: Christian Geltinger

Faust: Sergey Pisarev
Marguerite:  Gal James, Olena Tokar
Mephisto: Tuomas Pursio
Valentin: Jonathan Michie
Marthe: Karin Lovelius, Sandra Janke
Siebel:  Kathrin Göring, Wallis Giunta
Wagner: Sejong Chang

Choir of the Oper Leipzig

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