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Caminantes… Ayacucho

Over het evenement

In Caminantes… Ayacucho, the Radio Kamer Filharmonie and the Groot Omroepkoor performs works by Luigi Nono, Thomas Tallis and Bronius Kutavicius.

In this concert, the ensembles are spatially arranged in the concert hall as it was designed by the composers. The English Renaissance composer Thomas Tallis wrote his motet Spem in alium (1573) for eight groups of five singers who are positioned in a horseshoe shape around the audience. The contemporary Lithuanian composer Bronius Kutavicius has his choirs moved between four points in the auditorium that are marked by four horns in his The Last Pagan Rites (1978). The principal work of the evening is, however, the Dutch premiere of Caminantes… Ayacucho (1987) by Venetian composer Luigi Nono (1924‐1990). The various vocal and instrumental groups are arranged spatially and, assisted by live electronics, they give form to an almost ritualistic experience that is full of violent expression and yet also has quieter moments of tranquility.

At this year's Holland Festival, you are invited to the Dutch premiere of the masterpiece by Luigi Nono — one of the greatest highlights of the festival!

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