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Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini at Chateau de Versailles

Over het evenement

Experience opera like never before in this astonishing performance of Benvenuto Cellini by Berlioz at Versailles's remarkable Versailles Palace.

Marvel at the lavish grandeur of the Palace of Versailles, a huge Baroque complex comprising a former royal residence, incredible gardens, spectacular fountains, and the Museum of the History of France. The complex stretches over 787 hectares and is a major UNESCO World Heritage Site. Restoration began in 1892, and although interrupted by both World Wars, among other cataclysmic events, continues today.
Visitors should devote a whole day to Versailles, with its abundance of attractions. Deservedly, the most famous room is the Hall of Mirrors — a 70 metre gallery decorated with 17 huge mirrors that reflect the opposite windows and their garden views. However, the Royal Opera of Versailles is another of the Palace's gems. Its' wooden interior painted to look like marble means that the opera house boasts superb acoustics, as well as the finest décor. Treat yourself to the best of classical music amidst the opulence of this world‐famous palace!

Giet / Productie

Michael Spyres — Benvenuto Cellini
Sophia Burgos — Teresa
Matthew Rose — Giacomo Balducc
Tareq Nazmi — Pope Clement
Adèle Charvet — Ascanio
Krystian Adam — Francesco
Ashley Riches — Bernardino

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