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Alcina: Paris Opera

Over het evenement

The Paris Opera presents Robert Carsen's sensitive production of Händel's Alcina, a humane and moving portrait of suffering womanhood.

Handel's stroke of genius was to look beyond the supernatural and depict the sorceress, Alcina, as a woman who suffers. The voice of the vanquished enchantress is profoundly human and touching, inspiring in the listener a strange compassion.

Performed in Italian

Giet / Productie

Thomas Hengelbrock and Iñaki Encina Oyón — (26, 28 déc.): Conductor
Robert Carsen: Stage director
Tobias Hoheisel: Sets and costumes
Jean Kalman: Lighting
Philippe Giraudeau: Choreographic movements
Ian Burton: Dramaturge
Alessandro Di Stefano: Chorus master

Jeanine de Bique: Alcina
Gaëlle Arquez: Ruggiero
Sabine Devieilhe (25 Nov. 17 Dec.) and Elsa Benoit (19 30 Dec.): Morgana
Roxana Constantinescu: Bradamante
Rupert Charlesworth: Oronte
Nicolas Courjal: Melisso

Paris Opera Chorus
Balthasar Neumann Ensemble

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