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Music for Oboe, Flute, Clarinet and Bassoon: Beethoven, Rossini & Poulenc

Sobre el espectáculo

Let's admit it: the French woodwind school is one of the most remarkable. Perhaps because the strong temperament of the musicians flourishes fully in a repertoire of incredible diversity.

But it is not the only reason. The national instrument bill, indeed, is still admired abroad. Add to that our pleasure of virtuosity mixed with a certain rigor of writing. In short, the conjunction of elegance, the freshness of the game and the refinement of timbres. So you can understand better why Beethoven admired so much the demanding pleasure of the musicians of our country, but also for what reasons Rossini and the Brazilian Villa‐Lobos lived in France.

Información práctica


FRANÇAIX Wind Quatuor

ROSSINI La Scala di Seta, opening

BEETHOVEN Variations on 'Here man's darem'

POULENC Sonata for clarinet and bassoon

VILLA‐LOBOS Wind Quatuor

JOLIVET Sonatine for oboe and bassoon

Reparto / Producción

Marina Chamot‐Leguay: flute
Ilyes Boufadden‐Adloff: oboe
Florent Pujuila: clarinet
Fany Maselli: bassoon

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