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Liederabend en la cripta: Dichterliebe y Kerner‐Lieder de Schumann

Sobre el espectáculo

Escuche canciones famosas de Fauré, Debussy y Schubert dedicadas a la complejidad y el poder del amor. La soprano Alice Waginger y el pianista Hans‐Jörg Gaugelhofer actúan en la cripta bajo la iglesia de San Pedro en Viena.

Información práctica

The 'Opera in the Crypt' series is a unique form of presenting opera at its very essence. With piano accompaniment, talented singers in costumes perform the works in the exceptional, intimate atmosphere of the crypt under St. Peter's Church. Through the short distance between audience and musicians you can experience opera in a way you have never heard or seen it before.

Reparto / Producción

Alice Waginger, Soprano
Hans‐Jörg Gaugelhofer, Piano

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