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La Gran Misa de Mozart en Do Menor: Catedral de San Esteban

Sobre el espectáculo

Con motivo del 75º cumpleaños del arzobispo Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, el 24 de enero de 2020 se celebrará un concierto festivo en la catedral de San Esteban. El programa incluye la Gran Misa en do menor, KV 427, de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Las donaciones se destinan a las organizaciones de ayuda Open Hospitals — Medical Care en Siria y Le+O (apoyo a personas necesitadas en Austria).

Información práctica

'Open Hospitals' ('Open Hospitals')

is a project to ensure free treatment and care for the most needy, children and infants, single mothers and the injured also at the 'Italian Hospital' run by the Don Bosco Sisters in Damascus.

Le+O — Food and Orientation

'We have repeatedly missed out on dinner because the money was no longer enough,' says Johann Walter, the father of the family. Like Mr. Walter, there are about 393,000 people in Vienna who are affected by poverty. This is where the Caritas Project Le+O steps in. In ten parishes in Vienna, fresh and preserved food as well as hygiene articles are distributed once a week to people in need. In addition, social workers help to find a way out of poverty. Around 11,700 people were supported by the Le+O project last year. More than 363 tons of food were distributed to people in need.

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