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Iglesia de St. Ephrem: Chopin y Schumann

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Obras para piano de Chopin y Schumann a la luz de las velas en la Iglesia de Saint Ephrem de París.

La Iglesia de Saint Ephrem en el corazón de París acoge conciertos de jóvenes talentos. La extraordinaria acústica ofrece un marco incomparable para disfrutar de la música clásica.


4.0 de 5

  • Ruth B., United Kingdom

    may 2012

    Excellent performance of Chopin by Florian Billot, his fingers flew over the keyboard of a lovely sounding piano in a chapel with great acoustics, it was beautiful. Only annoyance for us was that the audience took a while to settle down and make sure that camera and phone 'beeps' were silenced. Late arrivals also created a disturbance which was distracting during the first three pieces.

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