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  • © Ronald Knapp
    © Ronald Knapp

Cecilia Bartoli en Glucks Orfeo ed Euridice

Amsterdam, Sala de conciertos — Main Hall

Los mejores asientos  2 h 20 min Comprar como regalo

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Precio total
$ 197

Sobre el espectáculo

Cecilia Bartoli brillará en la irresistiblemente bella ópera de Gluck Orfeo ed Euridice. La mundialmente famosa mezzosoprano traerá consigo a su querido conjunto Les Musiciens du Prince, dirigido por Gianluca Capuano.


  • Christoph Willibald Gluck – Orfeo ed Euridice
El programa está sujeto a cambios


Mezzosoprano: Cecilia Bartoli

The Italian mezzo‐soprano Cecilia Bartoli (born 4 June 1966, Rome) is an opera singer and recitalist. She is best‐known for her Mozart and Rossini roles as well as for her performances of lesser‐known Baroque and Classical music. Bartoli is considered a coloratura mezzo‐soprano (Koloratur‐Mezzosopran), with a highly individual timbre which she uses to great vocal and dramatic effect. Though her timbre is quite dark, her tessiture is comparatively higher than those of other mezzos and therefore some speculate that she is a 'soprano sfogato'. She is one of the most popular (and one of the top‐selling) opera singers of recent years.

Formación: Les Musiciens du Prince
Dirección musical: Gianluca Capuano
Soprano: Mélissa Petit
Coro: Il Canto di Orfeo


Sala de conciertos, Concertgebouwplein, 10, Amsterdam, Holanda — Google Maps

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