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Roberto Bolle and Friends: Circo Massimo

O wydarzeniu

Immerse yourself in the stunning architecture of Rome's breathtaking Circo Massimo for the ultimate concert set to awake your understanding of classical music.

The extraordinary Roberto Bolle, famous Etoile and solo dancer of the American Ballet Theatre in New York, returns to the Circo Massimo.

The gala, which is the result of the experience and charisma of Roberto Bolle as interpreter and artistic director, brings together some of the greatest stars of the international ballet scene.

The dialogue that Roberto Bolle is able to engage in with the architectural background as interpreter and artistic director offers those present a deeply emotional aesthetic and artistic experience.

Informacje praktyczne

For each price categories, please choose between the regular category, or the 'conviventi' category.

*Regular* Each site you reserve will have both seats on each side kept empty for health safety reasons.

*Conviventi* The number of seats you reserve will be seated together divided in groups of two seats. As shows can quickly sell out, we do not guarantee the possibility of being seated together.

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W 537 roku Ostrogoci podczas oblężenia Rzymu zniszczyli wodociąg, co wstrzymało działalność kąpielisk. Mimo to do czasów renesansu uważane były za najlepiej zachowane termy.
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