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Rameau's Castor et Pollux: Théâtre des Champs‐Elysées

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György Vashegyi conducts the Orfeo Orchestra and the Purcell Choir in a performance of Rameau's second opera, Castor et Pollux, a work widely regarded as his most accomplished piece of music.

Sung in French with French and English subtitles


Judith van Wanroij | Télaïre / Vénus
Véronique Gens | Phébé
Reinoud Van Mechelen | Castor
Tassis Christoyannis | Pollux
Olivia Doray | Minerve / A constellation
Hasnaa Bennani | L’Amour / Follower of Hébé / Une ombre heureuse
David Witczak | Mars / Second Athlete / Jupiter
Antonin Rondepierre | First Athlete / High Priest

György Vashegyi | direction
Orfeo Orchestra
Purcell Choir

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