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Madame Favart

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Experience opera like never before in this astonishing performance of the masterwork by Offenbach at Paris's remarkable Opéra Comique.

The Marshal of Saxony wanted to separate Charles‐Simon and Justine Favart in order to make the actress his mistress. So here they are forced to live separately and hidden. Will their intriguing genius save their relationship?
To do justice to a complete theatre woman, Anne Kessler was needed. Laurent Campellone shines a light on Offenbach's genius after a Fantasio that marked 2017. And embodying the protagonists of this adventure, Marion Lebègue and the artists of the New Favart Troupe will burn the boards!

Comic opera in three acts. A libretto by Alfred Duru and Henri Chivot.
Created at the Folies‐Dramatiques in 1878.


Music Director, Laurent Campellone
Director, Anne Kessler

Madame Favart‐ Marion Lebègue
Charles‐Simon Favart‐ Christian Helmer
Suzanne‐ Anne‐Catherine Gillet
Hector de Boispréau‐ François Rougier
Major Cotignac‐ Franck Leguérinel
Marquis de Pontsablé- Éric Huchet
Biscotin‐ Lionel Peintre
Sergent Larose‐ Raphaël Brémard

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