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Johann Strauss' The Bat: Christmas at Opéra Comique, Paris

O wydarzeniu

Celebrate Christmas in heart of Paris, with a special holiday performance of Strauss' hilarious Die Fledermaus (The Bat) at the Opéra‐Comique!

This holiday event includes a tour of the theater, a drink during intermission, and a chance to win a unique costume worn on the stage of the Opéra‐Comique.

More Viennese and wilder than ever, this production combines musical inspiration and the insolence of a very modern satire.

Sung in a new French version by Pascal Paul‐Harang. With French subtitles.

Musical direction by Marc Minkowski
Stage direction by Ivan Alexandre

With Stéphane Degout, Chiara Skerath, Sabine Devieilhe, Frédéric Antoun, Florian Sempey, Franck Leguérinel, Justin Kim, Christophe Mortagne, Jodie Devos, François Toumarkine, and Delphine Beaulieu.

Orchestra and chorus: Musiciens du Louvre Grenoble

Informacje praktyczne

Szczegóły programu:
11 rano/ 12 w południe: Zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem (45 min.)
14:20: Wprowadzenie do spektaklu (20 min.)
15:00: Rozpoczęcie spektaklu

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