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Duo: Uspenskaja and Shevchenko

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Maria Uspenskaja studied piano, organ and harpischord with Ljubimov, Martynov, Parshin and Ovchinnikov at the Moscow Conservatoire and harpischord with Bob van Asperen at the Sveelinck Conservatoire in Amsterdam. Maria Uspenskaja is the laureate of the Brugge International Early Music Competition of 2004 and the author of the idea for concert series 'Grani Epoh' taking place in Moscow. Pianist, organist and harpischord player Aleksei Shevchenko studied at the Moscow Conservatoire and participated in master classes of A. Steier, B. van Oort, M. Wilson, C. Chevalier and others. At present he teaches early music ensemble at the Moscow Conservatoire. His list of competition prizes includes the First Prize from the organ competition 'Marcello Galanti' in Italy in 2001.

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