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Donna Leon: Animals & Sounds in Handel's operas

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Besides of books the US writer Donna Leon has another passion: the music by Georg Friedrich Handel. Listening to his operas, she has come across all sorts of animals she cites in twelve witty essays in her book 'Animals and Sounds. In search of clues in Handel's operas'. An eloquent connoisseur of medieval bestiary and ancient texts, she traces the many animal symbolisms that inspired Handel's sound fantasy. Whether frog, snake, lion or elephant — there is something exciting to discover when the author joins actress Annett Renneberg, Signorina Elettra from the Brunetti films, the baroque ensemble Il Pomo d'Oro and singers Inga Kalna and Maite Beaumont sounding kingdom of animals goes.


Donna Leon – Autorin und Rezitation
Annett Renneberg – Rezitation
Inga Kalna – Sopran
Maite Beaumont – Mezzosopran
Il Pomo d’Oro

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