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Donna Leon — »Handel’s Bestiary«: Dresdner Musikfestpiele

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The American mystery writer Donna Leon has another passion besides writing: the music of George Frideric Handel. Listening to his operas, she has come across all kinds of animals, which she introduces alongside her favourite arias in twelve spirited essays in her book »Handel’s Bestiary. In Search of Animals in Handel’s Operas«. An eloquent expert of medieval bestiaries and antique texts, she traces multiple animal symbolisms which fired Handel’s musical imagination. Whether frogs, serpents, lions or elephants – discoveries await when the author joins actress Annett Renneberg, who plays Signorina Elettra in the German Brunetti film adaptations, the baroque ensemble Il Pomo d’Oro and singers Inga Kalna and Maite Beaumont on an expedition into the resounding world of animals.

Musical Reading (englisch/german)


Donna Leon, Author and Narrator
Annett Renneberg, Narrator
Inga Kalna, Soprano
Maite Beaumont, Mezzo‐Soprano
Il Pomo d’Oro

Musical Reading (englisch/german)

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